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  $VER: ArcDir.dopus5 1.0 (31.7.96) 
  Written by Edmund Vermeulen ( 
  ARexx script for Directory Opus 5 to show the contents of an LhA or LZX 
  archive in an Opus lister and operate on the files and directories inside 
  the archive as if it is a normal directory. 
  Function : ARexx      DOpus5:ARexx/ArcDir.dopus5 Browse {Qp} {f} {Ql} 
  Flags : Run asynchronously 

Welcome to Edmund Vermeulen's ArcDir script for Directory Opus v5+.

I have split it up into sections in the hope of trying to describe how it works in a relatively easy manner, (might not happen though, 'best laid plans of mice and men...', etc :)

At the top is Edmund's introduction at the start of his script, I'm not sure if the email address is still correct, we at the Opus Beta-testing Clinic have not heard from Edmund for almost a year, (come back Edmund, Leo misses you...Leo? LEO? Uh Oh, we've lost another one).

I've separated the script into what I thought was the most logical parts, the links to which are below. It probably won't make much sense if you jump from one spot to another, as they are shown in exactly the same order as you encounter the statements in the script.

I'll generally skip over the standard ARexx commands, only giving comment when it is needed to clarify something else.

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